
Based on our recent community survey results, we heard that families are looking for easy and flexible ways to volunteer and contribute to the SES PTO. We are answering your call and will offer "bite-sized" volunteer opportunities throughout the year. 

Want more? We also have larger volunteer roles available, for example Committee Lead positions. These opportunities are listed under "Volunteers" on our Team page.

Please complete our volunteer form if you'd like to contribute your time and talents to the PTO and we will be in touch. 

Thank you for your support!

Current "Bite-size" Volunteer Opportunities

Classroom Helpers

A heartfelt thanks to all the volunteers who have joined us already to support the class by serving as a liaison between the teacher, class caregivers, and the PTO. All positions are now full. 

Events (TBC) 

We are busy planning fun-filled PTO activities for the New Year! Stay tuned for details. Have an idea? Contact us

Want to help? Please complete our volunteer form and indicate your area of interest.  

Other Opportunities

Do you want to help, but not seeing something that interests you? Do you have a great idea for a PTO event or fundraiser that you'd like to organize? We'd love to hear from you! Please contact using the volunteer form!