We are a 501c3 Organization
What is a 501c3?
A 501c3 organization is a type of United States organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of Title 26 of the United States Code. 501c3 tax-exemptions apply to entities that are organized and operated exclusively for particular purposes, which in our case is for educational purposes.
Are my donations tax deductible?
Your donation to our PTO might be tax-deductible based on your individual circumstances. While we can't provide tax advice, we're more than willing to offer documentation for your contribution. If you haven't received a donation receipt, please contact us.
Our organization is fully funded by generous donations. In addition to financial contributions, we greatly benefit from in-kind donations and the invaluable time our volunteers dedicate. As we continue to grow and when appropriate, we'll also explore other funding avenues, including grants.
Our organization has two main categories of expenditures: programming and overhead. Programming expenditures are those incurred in connection with a specific PTO sponsored event or activity. For more information on PTO programming click here. Overhead expenditures include management and fundraising expenses, such as the cost to host this website and payment processing costs for donations.
Both programming and overhead expenditures help our PTO to fulfill its mission. However, we strive to minimize overhead expenditures. For example, we seek out special rates for non-profit organizations whenever possible. We evaluate all overhead expenditures by weighing their impact on fundraising and programming. All members of the PTO, including those who serve on the Board, are strictly volunteers and receive no compensation.